I’ve discovered that there is really no good way to photograph a bra – so I’m afraid the crumpled heap above does not do justice to the actual item which is really rather beautiful. However, what is more interesting to me is that the particular colour, Red Kiss, doesn’t show under white underwear – so you can put on your favourite white t-shirt and nobody would be any the wiser that underneath you’re ravishing in red.
It’s something to do with being in the same colour spectrum as nude (yes, that’s all I’ve managed to ascertain) but I’ve put it to the test and it absolutely does work! The Spacer Bra, far from being an up and at ’em kind of bra is if anything, a discrete kind of a bra that gives your boobs a very natural shape – certainly no foam domes. It moulds to your shape and the texture of the cups is very soft, lightweight and comfortable.
You can find the range HERE and the Spacer is £43.
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