ICPEN Guidelines For Digital Influencers

You might well ask who or what ICPEN is. I can’t say that in my entire blogging career I have heard much about them but the organisation is a global network of consumer protection authorities from nearly 60 countries. They’ve published some guidelines for blogs (which worryingly they’re still calling web logs – most bloggers don’t even know that a web log was the original term for a blog!) and other online sites (vlogs, micro-blogs) that also includes online magazines and newspapers. This is an important point.

So, it’s pretty much as you’d expect with the key points being:

  1. Disclose clearly and prominently whether content has been paid for;
  2. Be open about other commercial relationships that might be relevant to the content;
  3. Give genuine views on markets, businesses, goods or services.

As you might imagine, the devil is in the detail here, because the guidelines are more specific when it comes to gifting, and considers free clothing, tickets or ‘incentives’ as items to declare within any online review. I rarely see online magazines or newspapers declare anything like this although I often see bloggers declaring. I keep a general declaration on each of my posts that says product have been sent free of charge for review unless specifically stated. There are so many permutations of ‘incentives’ that this is going to be impossible to enforce.

For example, I recently posted on some inexpensive jewellery for Accessory Wednesday. It was not sponsored and nor did I have the product or any relationship with the brand – I had simply seen it as something I liked and thought my readers would like. It wasn’t even a review – more of a ‘these are lovely’ kind of post. The brand has very kindly, over a week later, written to say they loved the post and would like to send a thank you in the form of a bracelet. Bearing in mind it’s well after the post, is that a declarable thing? Is it an incentive to post again disguised as a thank you gift? There is nothing whatsoever to indicate it’s the latter – I’ve taken it just as a genuine thank you (which I believe it is) but worry about how that could be misconstrued in a ‘guideline’ context.

In the same way, is a lunch with a PR considered an ‘incentive’? PRs are now sending emails to online influencers (hate the term but using here it as a catch-all) asking us to declare that products have been sent for free (most of us do this anyway) but there is no onus on them in any of their online presence to declare what they have sent us. Which doesn’t seem fair because we’re not in control of what comes through our door. A lot of it is un-asked for and just arrives. This week I’ve been sent a hat, a make-up bag and a shopping bag (canvas) – all illustrating the theme of the product that they arrived with. Are those incentives? It’s very unclear and to be honest, it wouldn’t occur to me to mention that along with X product I received a straw hat that I’ll never wear. It was literally no incentive at all and certainly wouldn’t skew a review.

For online influencers, these ‘incentives’, if indeed they count as incentives, are what allows us to do our job. We need relationships with PRs to be able to provide good content, and we need products to review. But declaring a straw hat as ‘free clothing’ seems to be overkill. I get it about free holidays and big ticket items but it’s the smaller detail where nothing is clear at all. I don’t see my product samples as ‘free goodies’ – I see them as tools, and in the same vein, just because I got offered a sandwich at lunchtime doesn’t mean I’m leaping around with glee at my ‘free’ lunch and ready to say any old fibs about a product. My recent Fitflop post is a good example.. I usually offer to return fashion samples (and sometimes beauty) that I’ve used for photography.. in this case, a return wasn’t required, but in my head, because I am an avid Fitflop consumer (and 8 years of blogging about them will confirm this), it’s neither here nor there that they were press samples. I’ve got multiple pairs, most of which were bought and paid for like any other consumer!

It’s all very well having guidelines, but it’s very clear that online is not understood in detail by those making them. Do you ever see an online magazine saying ‘we were sent these lipsticks for free?’ Never. You also never see declarations of the kind of casual gifting (which is far more prevalent in that world than digital) that goes on on a daily basis.

Lastly (and I’ll link you in at the end so you can read the document in full), there needs to be a ‘full declaration’ of any commercial relationships regardless of whether the influencer has been paid. This is also truly problematic. If I consulted for a brand several years ago, and I’m writing about their product today, in real time, do I have to say that back in 2010 I did some paid consultancy for them? It doesn’t have any bearing on the here and now and there isn’t enough detail in that guideline for anything to be clear. If you take a big corporation, with multiple brands, how does this work if you have worked with one brand in a paid for capacity under the main brand umbrella but are now talking about a different brand under the same umbrella, does that have to be declared? If so, as a reader, you will find more declaration than useful beauty information.

It’s all very well to sweep a set of guidelines at us, but unless they have much more detail and fuller understanding of this very fluid medium, they’re impossible to adhere to because they’re just not clear enough. The main points are what most bloggers/vloggers do as standard – those that don’t are fairly obvious and then as a reader you have a choice whether to continue on as a reader/viewer or not. The document doesn’t give any kind of clarity on what sanctions could take place if the guidelines aren’t adhered to – if indeed there are any sanctions at all.

Most online influencers are very happy to adhere to basic declaration guidelines, but one size doesn’t fit all and that’s the main problem. The implication (yet again) that bloggers/vloggers are living in the lap of luxury surrounded by ‘freebies’ trying every day to fool our readers is so irritating! Good luck ICPEN on trying to herd them cats.


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10 responses to “ICPEN Guidelines For Digital Influencers”

  1. Alison

    I’m glad you have pointed out that bloggers seem to be the only ones who are expected to conform to a certain standard when it comes to transparency. For years, magazines have been the recipients of literally billions of dollars worth of products and services. And invariably if something is featured by them, its a positive review. I suppose its linked to the fact that magazines count heavily on advertisers for their revenue so they haven’t much choice. Perhaps its because bloggers are not obliged to do the same that we are expected to be up front about who, what, when and where. Its not an issue for me because I’m not even on the radar, but for some blog authors, you included Jane, I can understand how frustrating it must be sometimes.

  2. Catinthehat

    Shouldn’t be frustrating at all. How many magazines have I bought & read in the last year( clue=absolutely none)? How many fully disclosing bloggers have I read in the same time period (clue= a select few)? The better the disclosure, the more likely I am to read you> believe your comments>buy on your recommendation.
    And, yes, it’s a good idea to have a cv of past & current consultancies on the site, that’s very informative for the reader. Being up front is good business if any cosmetics co wants my cash, and nobody should be afraid of full disclosure. If a company is distributing naff hats, that’s good information about having a lavish and misdirected promotional budget. As a consumer, I would like to know that they feel they can splash the cash and make judgements accordingly about whether I’m also happy with their retail product pricing! Stick with it Jane, this is the way ahead honestly.

    1. Jane

      I am with it, honestly..but there are so many shades of grey that it’s really hard to work around correctly – one small slip by mistake and it’s a mess. These guidelines don’t take into account the ASA’s … the get out clause that means if the brand has had no input into the post content, you don’t have to declare it’s paid.. I always do and mostly other bloggers do as well but while anomalies like this exist, it’s tricky. It’s also the case that we feel constantly under pressure to prove that we’re not sneaky freebie grabbers trying to get readers to part with money: nothing could be further from the truth and I think declaring a straw hat is such a distraction from the main event. If I haven’t proved trustworthy after 8 years, declaring a hat isn’t going to change anything. I could quite easily forget to mentiom it.. or use it in another post for illustration – I have a generic declaration on every post for that very reason. And, very few people have to publicly display their pat CV in order to be deemed trustworthy – I can’t think of another situation where that would be necessary.

  3. Trisha

    I sense that you believe that “full disclosure” is the norm in the blogging world, but as a voracious reader of multi blogs across the planet- I can assure you that is not the case with an astonishing majority of blogging sites.
    We are not talking makeup, skin and personal care blogs as being the sole offenders in stealth disclosure- I’m am including fashion and in particular “Mommy blogs”.
    As a consumer in a today’s global marketplace, I absolutely want it stated in full view what has been paid for out of pocket by the writer, and what has been sent free of charge from a companies PR department. In peer to peer forums it’s often discussed which bloggers to watch out for, resulting in a small but steady increase in consumers that will contact a company and tell them that they won’t purchase their products until there is more transparency between certain bloggers and their audience.
    Truth in advertising is simply looking out for the consumer. If it causes hardship to the blog writer, then obviously they’re not that invested in the success of their blog.
    And it certainly isn’t fair, as you stated that magazines and online articles are not held accountable to the same degree that bloggers are, but I know that is changing from consumer backlash also. The comment section in any online site is usually a gold mine for judging consumer trust and curiosity.
    It’s a necessary evil in my opinion that rules and regulations must be enforced across all platforms so that product reviews aren’t scewded solely to the manufactures and bloggers advantage. I myself like many women and men, spend an astonishing amount of my disposable income on beauty and skin care items. I want to feel confident that the company I am supporting is a “good partner” or I’ll take my money elsewhere.
    Thank You for allowing me to vent!

    1. Jane

      You’re very welcome! Thanks for taking the time 🙂

  4. Michelle

    I don’t read many blog or watch many YouTube channels any more because declarations are not there/honest. Your blog is one of the very few where you are honest enough to declare most of the stuff you review if sent to you for that purpose.

    There is one agency in particular, who all their bloggers / yourubers revoew the same products at the same time and not one of them states anywhere that these are samples/ paid to review. A very good example of this is a number of this agencies you tubers went to vid con and flew air New Zealand. No one mentions their tickets was paid for they just say something odd like thanks to airnz for my amazing flight.

    The agency in particular as a massive digital presence and are in my opinion one of the worse offended for lack of declarations

    1. Jane

      I’m happy to declare – I don’t feel like I have anything to hide at all, but the hat is a good example.. it wouldn’t occur to me to say I got a hat because it seems so irrelevant.. it feels like clutter, not a ‘gift’!!

      1. Michelle

        exactly, as a reader I would not expect to see a declaration that you got a hat as part of the package of things to review but if you got a free trip to New York to review a new collection yes. I remember reviews where you have been to Paris before for new products and it’s clear it’s a press trip.

        sadly with the majority of other digital influencers it’s not clear, it seems like a naivety thing because they are mostly in their early twenties but they have a massive agency behind them who should be doing the right thing

        1. Jane

          You do raise a good point – it hasn’t really occurred to me that if I say I am going with a brand, it’s not clear that my travel is paid for. But, there isn’t really another job where you’d be expected to specifically mention if you are going for work purposes that the brand that’s taking you as a guest has paid for your flight or train ticket. I think where I’m looking at is from is that this is my job – and maybe I’m not taking into account that from the other side, perhaps it doesn’t look like a job. I would very well understand that – when I look at Instagram it looks like all of the party, but my trips aren’t really like that – it’s either to see a new product, see a lab, speak at an event, interview someone or something similar. It never feels like a holiday because the reality is that I am in ‘work’ mode from start to finish and usually there for the shortest possible time I can be. I’m not on a jolly with my friends. A lot of launches abroad are global launches, so they bring people over from all countries and literally only hold one launch in one country so there’s not really another opportunity to experience it. I will try and make it clearer in future, but I have no trips planned in the immediate future and actually avoid them where possible.

  5. As always, wonderful and informative article. Very interesting.

    Mel | http://www.thegossipdarling.com

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