The new Chanel Rouge Coco Stylo collection of 8 shades couldn’t be more my kind of lip product if it tried! They’ve already launched in the US and it’s a 22nd April launch for us in the UK. I will warn you that they’re super-soft so don’t over rotate the push-up when you’re using them – they deliver a lot of product at once and you only need a tiny amount for a full lip coverage.

The two shades I have to show you are Script and Conte (Conte is the pinker shade) but there are 8 to pick from. Chanel Rouge Coco Stylo is somewhere between a colour gloss and a balm – the reason the formula is soft is that it contains jojoba and coconut oils and you can tell instantly that they’re at a high level. The sheen is beautiful – lightful and sumptuous – while my lips feel softened and comfortable.

You will need to apply often – they’re not long stayers but any gloss gal will accept this as part and parcel of the pleasure of a decent gloss. They’re £26 each.
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