Well, this is about time! It’s got to have crossed any MAC fan’s mind why the website is so out of step with everything else about the brand, so the shiny new website is well over-due. If you use the USA MAC site, this is nothing new, but for the UK, the MAC website is now dramatically different.

Notably, everything is on a white background instead of black which is such an improvement when picking out shades and there are usage techniques for each product. What I like best (because let’s face it, if you love makeup you can shop it from ANY site, no matter what the background colour is!) about the new site are the additional features – a Culture section with collaborator interviews (I can’t wait to read Caitlyn Jenner), a live chat format and artistry videos. MAC artists are known for their skill and creativity, but really what you need to know is what YOU can do with products, not what they can do, so there are plenty of quick how-to videos to show you the way. Oh, and free postage. My screengrab here is from the US site so don’t get confused by the $!
The free shipping is key – the aim of any brand is to make as many sales as they can from their own site because the profit margins are so much better. There is literally no reason, other than stock issues, for consumers to buy from pay-post sites such as Selfridges, who often have MAC exclusives and firsts, so I’m wondering how the new MAC site will affect other retailers. I guess that one is a wait and see, but it surely must make a dent.
There will be on-line exclusives, so I’ll try and bring you the news on those, but some of the first exclusives will be some of the Future Forward collection, which I’ve partially featured already. Future Forward is a new MAC initiative celebrating women in the music industry. I’m completely out of my depth when it comes to explaining who they are but if you love music, you’ll probably know. The release dates are:
TINASHE: Available now exclusive to M∙A∙C Free Standing Stores and maccosmetics.co.uk
HALSEY: Available from 31st March exclusive to maccosmetics.co.uk only
LION BABE: Available from 14th April exclusive to M∙A∙C Free Standing Stores and maccosmetics.co.uk
DEJ LOAF: Available from 28th April exclusive to maccosmetics.co.uk only

See.. I keep on being completely intrigued by that grey lipstick. My original sample met a sticky end by accident so now I have another to swatch and I’m going to see if I can make it work.

Last time around, I didn’t have the palette, so I’ve got that all swatched up now.

And, of all four products in the Future Forward Collection, the one that I’d flag as exceptional is the Lion Babe Liquid Last Liner in a bronzed gold shade – it’s a beauty.

So, that’s the update – a more shoppable, 100% improved website from MAC for the UK. At last!
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