Two Tablets, Twice Daily


Image from HERE

Look away now, because I’m about to over-share. I’ve had the most unpleasant illness for about two weeks now – the cold from hell that transformed into two infections; sinus and chest, added in a little fainting and vomiting and culminated in a 3D coldsore. I tell you, I have not been actually bed-bound for years but this has wiped me out.

Nourish Argan Skin Renew
Nourish Argan Skin Renew

So, as you can imagine, looking after my skin has been pretty low on the agenda. I could barely be bothered. So, I’m thankful for two products; the first, Nourish Argan Skin Renew (£19.50) HERE that has kept my skin from dehydrating completely and I think would tackle just about any dry skin conditions because it’s incredibly rich and softening.

Imedeen Time Perfection
Imedeen Time Perfection

And, Imedeen, which somewhat miraculously, I’ve managed to stay on track with. All I can hope as I swallow them down with the antibiotics is that they’re going some way towards un-doing the neglect that I’ve shown my skin of late. Actually, Imedeen sent me a neat little stat – somewhere in the world 3 Imedeen tablets are consumed every second of the day. That’s a similar rate that giant chocolate buttons are consumed in this house alone.




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5 responses to “Two Tablets, Twice Daily”

  1. Susann

    Sounds like a dose of the flu. The way to diagnose flu – if someone tells you there is a £50.00 on the pavement outside and its yours to keep if you get out of bed to pick it up….and you say x@&! that I just cant move – you have flu. I hope you feel better soon.

  2. Jane

    lol..thanks Susann!

  3. I know there’s two camps of thought about supplements. One that they work and one that they are a waste of money. So you truly feel the Imedeen works for you? And I hope your starting to feel more like yourself. I must say your output (the work kind not the other ….ewwww) does’t seem to have been affected.

    Take care of you.

    Ali x

    1. Jane

      HI Ali.. I know.. I’m sceptical about supplements too, which is why I agreed to this trial. I’ve seen so much evidence from Imedeen that it really does strengthen the skin that I feel I can’t not give it a go and I think illness etc (and yes, have been blogging from my bed!) is really going to put it to the test. I had a skin scan, so there is just no way the results can be skewed in any way – when I have my final skin scan in a couple of months, the evidence will be there or it won’t and I’ll be blogging the results either way.

      1. As you say, the results will speak for themselves. I’m looking forward to the outcome.

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