While it’s hard for me to long term test any skin care products, when I get one that instantly feels like it’s supposed to be on my skin, it’s an absolute delight. Personally, what I love in a facial oil is a light weight, massage friendly, skin comfort texture and Willowberry Face Oil ticks all of those boxes.
Willowberry is a new brand made in the UK by Jenni Retourne who has been a beauty friend for years on social media – she knows everything there is to know about the industry – and as former editor of trade magazine, Pure Beauty, has probably tried every skin brand there is. One of the things I immediately noticed about Willowberry is that there is no ‘anti-ageing’ claim: no scaring us silly to sell us better or even suggesting that younger looking is skin is somehow more beautiful. Nope – this one is all about healthy, balanced and hydrated skin that looks and feels amazing regardless of where you are in your beauty journey. Round of applause!
Ingredients are chosen for skin benefits – I will direct you to the Willowberry ingredient page HERE for a breakdown because it’s comprehensive and there is a reason for every single ingredient. The site is highly informative if you love to learn about ingredients. I think the oil is very reasonable at £22.50 HERE and good for summer when the idea of sliding a thick cream onto your face is enough to bring you out in a sweat on its own. I’ve used this both night and day and because of its lightweight nature, I’m going to multitask it by adding a drop to foundation when I have to wear it to give it more flexibility and sheerness.
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