Just a quick update for MAC Studio Fix fans. Three new lines – MAC Studio Fix Perfecting Powder, MAC Studio Fix Perfecting Stick and MAC Studio Fix Fluid. The latter, I don’t have (will see if I can get hold of some), which is a shame as it’s the most likely product for me as I find any powder drying and concealer sticks make my under eye area look ten times worse than any better! I wouldn’t advise these for older skin or any creased areas because while the colour in them does conceal, the texture somehow makes creasing look exacerbated, even when well blended. If your skin is perfect already – go for it!

The MAC Studio Fix range comprises the less flashy aspect of MAC and instead focusses on an artistry angle with good workaday products that are reliable and easy to use. More importantly, they take into account a multitude of tones and as a general rule, if you struggle for a tone match across other brands, it’s likely you will find one here.
When I first started blogging, 8.5 years ago, other early adopters in the UK were so much more knowledgable than me and a key question when we used to chat via Twitter or thru the comments section on our blogs (because What’s App, Instagram and Snapchat didn’t exist then and I don’t think many of us were even on Facebook) was what shade you were in MAC Foundation. I remember being absolutely mortified that I had no clue and everyone… absolutely everyone… else knew theirs. It’s more shameful that I still don’t know because I don’t really use MAC foundations very often and have never been colour matched! I take a rough guess on samples, but I wouldn’t be able to go into a MAC store and order up my exact shade.
Anyway, the MAC Studio Fix Additions launch in September.
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