Okay, so these are pretty hilarious. I’ve got three of the six; Coconut, Blueberry Jam and Avocado and Oat. They literally smell like you should be spreading them on toast. Being completely realistic, I feel they will contribute only nominally to the well-being of your skin.. the mentioned ‘natural extracts’ seem to be rather sparse and near the bottom of the ingredient list. But, the addition of glycerin or clay and oatmeal do appear nearer the top which means there is a chance they’ll do something (hydrate, mattify or soothe) and unless you have super sensitive skin, I don’t feel they’ll do any harm either. They don’t really specify on the labelling what each one is for which seems like a mistake; effects are rather cloaked in phrases such as ‘add a refreshing exotic burst to your skin care routine’ for coconut.

I did a little multi-mask test – just for top-line information for myself (they require up to 15 minutes and I didn’t leave them on that long) but the minute I dipped into Blueberry Jam I knew it wasn’t going on my face! It is literally like jam – sticky and thick and very, very fruity smelling! I can tell you though that Avocado & Oat was so enticing I had avocado and toast for lunch (no oats!) and that coconut smells absolutely lovely and has an exfoliating element.
So, they’re fun and they’re vegan and I think would make great stocking fillers for teens or anyone who loves foodie fragrances. There are also Coffee, Kale and Charcoal variants and they’re £4.99 each. They’re not quite on-line yet but do look out for them in store.
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