Paula’s Choice Skin Perfecting BHA Lotion

Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting BHA Lotion
Paula’s Choice Skin Perfecting BHA Lotion

It’s taken me an embarrassingly long time to try any of the Paula’s Choice skin care. If you don’t know the range, it’s founded by Paula Begoun, aka The Cosmetic Cop, who has written several books (notably Don’t Go To The Cosmetics Counter Without Me) to help women make their skin care choices. To say that she doesn’t hold back is an understatement – Paula has an opinion on everything! The difference between Paula and other opinion leaders in beauty is that everything is based on research, rather than just thoughts. I use her site regularly as a kind of barometer if I’m unsure on my findings on a product; I will nip over to see if we have drawn the same conclusion. Beauty writers are highly reliant on information given from PRs and sometimes we have to look away, undo the PR and get to the real nuts and bolts of a product to give out information that’s of any use and Paula is the master of this.

So, onto the Paula’s Choice Skin Perfecting BHA Lotion, which I’ve been trying for a few days now. The claims are that it will give radiant, even toned skin, reduce redness and build collagen, unclog and diminish enlarged pores. Obviously, you’d need to use this long term for any of the results, and as this is a PR sample, it wasn’t chosen exactly for my skin, but more as just an example of what Paula does. So, it’s a slightly mixed review because at 1% BHA (Beta Hydroxy Acid), it’s too mild for my skin. However, even with the mildest formula, I did feel a difference in skin texture so I’m definitely going to hit up the 2%. It’s a leave on exfoliant (with salicylic acid) that nibbles away at dead skin cells – my skin was definitely smoother even from the first use which made me realise that maybe I’m not exfoliating nearly enough. Obviously, less dead cells, less clogging, clearer skin – it all makes sense. If I had spots, dull skin or clogged pores, I’d be all over this and even though I don’t have any of those things, I’m still all over it!

Just this one product has made me want to look more closely at the range – I’m starting to see why Paula has so many fans. It’s also good news that there is no animal testing and no fragrance.

You can find Paula’s Choice HERE. Paula’s Choice Skin Perfecting BHA Lotion is £23.50.


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17 responses to “Paula’s Choice Skin Perfecting BHA Lotion”

  1. Donna

    The problem I have with Paula to be honest. Is the mere mention of an escentual oil or natural ingredient in a product and its evil. Yet suddenly she developed her own range with natural ingredients. Also it seems reading others, that she does not even test products but has a team who just look at the ingredient list and research if any of the ingredients MAY cause a problem, not that they actually will. Now I have never actually tried her range, always very wary because of my rosacea. I cannot use any sort of acids BHA or AHAs, I go red.

    1. I think her big beef with a lot of the natural oils that some companies use is that they’re just in there because they’re natural, not because they are beneficial or even neutral for the skin; photosensitizers and can damage the skin (citrus oils, for example). She’s a big fan of naturals that work and don’t do damage.

  2. Lisa

    I love the 2% BHA lotion like I’ve never loved any other product. It’s the product that made me see that some skincare really really works – cleared up pores, skin tone, everything it claimed to do.

  3. This product sounds lovely and not too expensive! x
    Emma | Emmys Beauty Cave

  4. Esme

    i have converted my entire skin care routine to Paula’s Choice because her products work for my skin. They are not expensive compared to other brands but they do deliver results. She bases her products on scientific research as published in the mainstream scientific journals. My favorite products are the BHA and AHA lotions, as well as the serums. My skin looks so much better now: less pigmentation, uniform skin tone, smaller pores.

  5. Maureen

    I agree with Donna. Paula’s claim to research is thin at best. She (or I should say her team) cite research about single ingredients, not about the actual product in question. Some of this is old and the sample size in the studies are too small to draw conclusions from. I have used her 1 % retinol which I love, and her anti redness lotion that made my skin more red, itchy and spot prone. So, the conclusion is, you still have to find the product that works for you in her range, as with any other. I love lots of different acid products, including P50, Clarins, Alpha H.

    1. Jane

      Yes I would agree there that you need to find the right products from the’s not a given that everything is different. But, I would also say that anything that does any PR busting is good, and as things stand, it’s the most we have right now in a sea of misinformation and relentlessly positive reviews.

  6. Erin

    This sounds fantastic! I need to try her range. Love the books, Paula always makes you aware of everything good and bad.

    Erin | Erin and Katherine Talk Beauty

  7. Tracy Shaw

    Love PC products & gradually moving over to the entire range. Totally transformed my 49(ouch!) year old skin.

  8. Robert Chua

    I really like her products as price per ml, it’s not as expensive as what is on the market. Some say that her reviews are biased and whatnot but then, she’s not the one doing the reviewing, it’s her team. Anyways, I just think everybody should take anything they read (especially skincare reviews) with a grain of salt since skincare is very personal and what makes you have a reaction may not to another.
    p.s, I love the acids from the PC range, does wonders. Also the boosters.

  9. Dana

    I love Paula’s choice! I use many of her products including the 2% bha, the 1% retinol and the weekly resurfacing treatment. They are all excellent, really effective and very well priced! I also consult her website for product purchases as well. I don’t always agree but I think she is very reliable and unbelievable knowledgable. I am amazed she isn’t better known (many beauty therapists have never heard of her!).

  10. Tiffany

    How would this compare to Liquid Gold?

  11. I highly recommend Paula’s 2% BHA liquid. Used in conjunction or alternating with a mild (2.5% or 5%) benzoyl peroxide lotion, it’s a great solution for acne.

  12. BHA changed my skin for the better, that’s for sure. I tried a sample size of Paulas Choice BHA, but what really won me over is the COSRX A-sol which costs way less. I think everyone should try an AHA or BHA at least once, cause it really makes a difference 🙂

  13. Rita Morgan

    I use Paula’s Choice for the last 3 years. There aren’t any daily facial moisturizers I can find is good for sensitive, rosacea and aging in one tube! I can find them all , in 3 different moisturizers. Skin Recovery Advance Kit which includes : a daily moisturizer SPF 30, a night moisturizer, a cleanser, a toner, a facial mask, an anti aging serum and AHA the whole kit for $140. Only thing I’m not keen on is the cleanser, but I keep using the others ever since. Now I’m planning to purchase the 1% retinol.
    I do go to her website for research as well , if I’m thinking about purchase a product that I’m unfamiliar of. I think their opinions are honest vs PR.

  14. Louise

    I started off with a couple of PC products and now use aha, bha, night/day moisturisers, various serums, brightener…. None of the products have caused any unwanted issues and my skin is looking great. The 2% bha lotion cleared up lots of stubborn spots from my neck and also reduced scarring etc. highly recommend!

  15. Sam

    I too agree with Donna.
    Paula’s Choice people do not have access to the formulas they criticise and they make sweeping statements.
    A recent comment that a well known and ethical European brand has “Limonene (is) present in an unusually high amount” is blatantly not true.
    Under EU regulations, the brand would have to comply with the world’s strictest maximum levels so the amounts would be no more, and probably much less, than other brands, especially US brands which are far more liberal in their essential oil usage.
    I pointed this out to Paula’s Cops but they didn’t publish my comment :))
    So I wrote to the brand and alerted their legal department instead.
    If Paula was so concerned with the environment and effective skincare (her claims) she would not use EDTA, polysorbates, PEGs and the worst offender, sodium hydroxymethylglycinate, which have been scientifically proven to cause problems to both.
    I too dislike PR baloney, but I especially hate brands that undermine other brands. Make your profits by concentrating on your own knitting.

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