One of the things you rarely hear about when a new skin brand launches is the formulator behind it. You hear all the razzamatazz, all the PR, all the marketing, all the promises, but the person who made the formula? Hardly at all. One of the names that does crop up and has for as long as I’ve been writing about beauty is Colette Haydon, who is known for devising exceptional skin care for brands. She’s worked with REN, Jo Malone, Aromatherapy Associates, Heal Gel, Nubo and Jo Wood to name but a few and I could swear someone told me she developed for Sarah Chapman, too, but perhaps I dreamed that. There is nothing that Colette doesn’t know about skin. So perhaps it’s no surprise that at last, she has developed her own range. As you can see, it’s pink (think Glossier!), pared back (think Glossier!) and absolutely on point for right now.
Uncomplicated packaging doesn’t mean there is no substance – far from it – and Colette is actually bringing something new to the table with the concept of cleanser and mask in one for daily use (not a cleansing mask as such) and the Night Switches. It’s the Night Switches I think that will draw the consumer in – the premise being that they’re used around the three core products (Vitamin C paste, Electrogel Cleanser and Universal Emulsion) to give your skin whatever it needs at any time. They’re formulated in a serum base and you use one at a time, switching to another after resting your skin for a period of time. It’s thought that switching regularly stimulates skin into being more receptive and therefore getting better results.

Retinol 1% Night Switch should be mixed with Universal Emulsion and used for four weeks before switching to BHA/AHA 10% for three weeks (it can also be used as a mask) OR to PHA/AHA 10% for two weeks (this one should also be mixed with Universal Emulsion). So, there’s a little similarity to The Ordinary here in terms of not being shy about technical names for the products, rather than a Lauder-esq ‘Brilliant Beauty Cream’ type name. I find it hard to get excited about skin care but I was excited to see this. When it comes to testing, I’m trying to give a good run to a Shiseido cream at the moment and with one face, I can’t give you anything more than a cursory tried and tested review (I tried the Vitamin C paste as soon as it arrived) but I can, hand on heart, say that Lixir is very, very promising and I’d buy it in a nano second based on Colette’s reputation and my experience of formulations she has created for other brands.
Price wise, it’s reasonable but not cheap – Switches start at £20, Vitamin C Paste is £32, Universal Emulsion is £29 and Electrogel is £25. You can find Lixir HERE. I am hoping it branches out to more stockists – they must all be champing at the bit for this brand. Come on SpaceNK.. get your skates on!
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