Glo-Therapeutics Clear Complexion Pads

Glo-Therapeutics Clear Complexion Pads

I’ve had a few Glo-Therapeutics samples in the queue for a little while now – I keep looking at them guility, but this is really the problem with reviewing skin care; I only have one face! However, I’ve sat down and done a couple of hours research, really looking at the brand and what they have to offer. What attracted my attention is a) a Bacne Spray which is notoriously hard to find other than Superdrug’s own, and b) the Clear Complexion Pads above.

I don’t, thankfully (fingers crossed and touching wood) have bacne, acne or spots even – or very rarely. But my son does get breakouts from time to time (my daughter never does!). He veers between a high maintenance groomer (hours in the shower, leaving towels all over my bedroom and uses enough hair gel to fill a swimming pool) and a really-can’t-be-bothered one. A lot of acne or spot clearing routines are a bit daunting I think – it’s very much changed from a dab of Clearsil every day to a mountain of products that promise clear skin. Bottom line is, breakouts are personal – they’re caused by so many different things, can happen at any time, can be hormonal or random and can hit any sex, any age, any time. Dealing with those combinations, your odds are short in avoiding them forever!

I’m not a skin care expert in terms of discussing acne clinically, but these pads, with salicylic acid, citric acid and spearmint are, for our household anyway, the perfect boy spot, occasional spot or hormonal spot management. Even my son can be bothered to drag a pre-soaked wipe across his face. They’re infused with 5% Salicylic Acid which is a known and trusted exfoliator, as well as giving anti-inflammatory and antiseptic benefits. Sodium Chlorite breaks down sebum and bacteria and stops re-growth of bacteria. Spearmint is apparently antibacterial and antioxidant.

I’m more comfortable flagging these to have to hand when spots strike occasionally (I would always suggest you see your doctor or a dermatologist if you have significant skin issues) for the sheer handiness of them and a very solid ingredient line-up. They’re £27.97 HERE. There are fifty pads in the pot but if you’re treating small areas of the face, you can double their longevity by cutting them in half. They’re well soaked so you’re not going to miss out by doing that.

Clear Skin Body Spray

Best sellers don’t happen for no good reason, and the Clear Skin Body Spray (aka bacne spray) has a devoted following. The most active ingredient in this is again Salicylic Acid (0.5%) and there is a dash of spearmint as well. Bottom line is that this will discourage the bacteria that causes back spots in the first place. Again, useful beauty store cupboard product for breakouts. It’s £21 HERE.


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