So, it’s red three ways for Kure this winter and to be honest, red is good any time of year but I see why they’ve tied it to the colder, bolder months. I get very nervous photographing reds because it’s small fractions of separation on the colours and I worry that they won’t come out true but actually, in this instance, they have. The first shade in the row is Sienna with backnotes of russet, the middle is Sari, a pink infused red and the third is Masai with orange tones.
Bottom is Sienna, next is Sari and last is Masai. I’m wearing Sienna at the moment – it’s my least natural pick to be honest, I would generally veer towards Masai, but wanted to try something different. I actually love it for the time of year and for having a bit of a vampy element to it. The collection launches on 15th of this month at LoveLula. The polishes are £15 each.
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