[productsamples] I know of old that pastel shades never show up well in nail swatches, particularly not white, which is just a stretch too far for my camera!

It’s a fairly classic bridal collection, although a first for CND which is surprising. I think my favourite is Forever Yours which is a blush pink but it’s the one that has the most colour to it. It’s really anything goes for wedding nails but there are brides that like to keep things very neutral so these fit into that category. I was about to discount the White Wedding shade (sheer white) but having tried it on my thumb nail, it serves as an effective nail brightener giving a very clean finish.

In the picture above, White Wedding, Bouquet (barely there pink), Forever Yours and Veiled, a creamy-white shade. the thing about Vinylux is that there is virtually no danger of chips on the big day. It needs sealing with the Gel-Like Effect Top Coat and that locks the colour down for several days if you need it to. I like barely there shades nowadays – I didn’t used to but over time I’ve come to appreciate an almost bare look more – as long as nails look clean and bright, that’s fine. I still wear brights on my toe nails but very rarely on my fingers so even though I’m not a blushing bride, these are going to come in handy (no pun intended!) for me.
You can find the Yes I Do Bridal Collection HERE but currently there is only Forever Yours in stock unless you want to buy the set of four plus the top coat, in which case, it’s £38.25 (instead of £59.70) – if you have contrasting bridesmaid looks, it might be worth it. I am sure they’ll all be in stock soon.. I’m probably just a bit quick in posting them.
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