I’ve been trying to dupe this now obsolete lip balm for quite some time now – I’ve had fairly good success with bespoke lipsticks but not so much success on the high street. I feel very sure that £37 is well over the odds for a lip balm but it’s what Gucci commanded for this, so the ultimate find has to be a more budget friendly version.

I came across the Toboco brand in my local (yes, I have one!) K beauty store (HERE) and this balm in Flush Cherry looked really promising. It’s also a very nice balm – does the job.

Tocobo Flush Cherry… and…

… Gucci Rene Pink. They’re really not far away from each other are they?

Bottom is Gucci, top is Tocobo. It’s £12.50 HERE. I’m quite happy with this – I’ll definitely wear it but actually the dream is Charlotte Tilbury Balm in Rene Pink. Could it ever happen?
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