Tartelette Toasted

Tartelette Toasted

Recognising that the shades in the Tartelette Toasted palette are very ‘me’ so my eyes landed on this very favourably right from the get-go and even so, everything about it works, not just the colourway. The shades are beautifully pigmented, rich and soft in texture and blend like an absolute dream. It’s gorgeous – even the packaging is shiny, sexy and glam.

Tartelette Toasted

Notable shades are Crackle, a milk chocolate shade packed with golden sparkle, Flame, a super sheeny copper colour and Simmer, an antique gold that gleams.

Tartelette Toasted

Shades in the swatch from bottom to top are: S’more, Sunrise, Sunset, Crackle, Cashmere, Warmth, Flame and Cozy.

Tartelette Toasted

Candle, Latte, Simmer and Fireside.

Don’t discount this warm shade palette if you have cooler tones – blue and green eyes zing to life with these gingery shades. You actually get a blending brush with this palette and it’s currently on offer at QVC UK for £32.76 in stead of £36, which I think is pretty good value if you’re in need of a new palette. I just don’t have a single thing to complain about here – that’s something! You can find it HERE.

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One response to “Tartelette Toasted”

  1. Cail Richards

    Wonderful. I’ve got pretty much this exact palette by Bobbi Brown, from a few years ago, but I have to finally accept that these colours do me no favours. Instant pinkeye.
    (It’s strange and annoying to realise this, with drawers (and many decades) full of these shades!)
    But such a great review, I’ll look out for this brand in other colour-ways. Thank you

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