[unpaid/sample] What can I say? They’re all gorgeous – the Liquid Lurex eye shadows are best in class when it comes to all-age and all-tone beauty. Even all-ability because they need almost no effort at all to apply.

So here they are : Viola, Titania and Cressida. I can’t even pick a favourite because they all look good on me.

The Liquid Lurex formula is luminous – you can add as much or as little as you like and I love wearing them as just a wash of colour on the lids rather than a full colour. I use a brush to apply rather than the doe’s foot provided so I can control the amount better. You need the smallest amount if you’re looking for a ‘glaze’ effect. The best for lid brightening is by far and away Cressida which is almost champagne coloured.

I’m wearing Cressida in this picture so you can see how well it brightens.

In the swatch, bottom to top, Cressida, Titania and Viola. They’re HERE, for £19 and still in stock at the time of writing.
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