[unpaid/sample/affiliate/ad] When I see a ‘best seller’ sticker at the back of my mind I wonder if it’s real or wishful thinking. However, Hourglass Voyeur Waterproof Eyeliner Gel can 100% claim it as fact because it’s almost completely sold out and that doesn’t happen without good reason. I know that brands are still experiencing supply issues as a legacy of the pandemic. It looks like Cave and Obsidian are the only ones available. I’m sure there will be a restock soon so hopefully this review will prove useful at some point!

When stock is complete, there are five shades of this retractable gel pencil – Obsidian, Cave, Forest, Solstice and Chestnut. They are sheer velvet on the skin – glide across the lid like a dream and while I haven’t been wild swimming to test it, the last on me indicates that it’s an excellent stayer. My caveat is that while it is claiming ‘waterproof’, as we all know, water is not the enemy of eyeliner – oil is. There are few occasions where your eyes are submerged and even if they are, it’s unlikely to be a situation where your eyeliner needs to come out on point. Plus, umbrellas. I don’t have especially oily lids so it’s hard to say how they’d perform but reviews seem to be solid on that point.

In the swatch: Solstice (golden), Cave (brown), Forest (green), Obsidian (black), Chestnut (red-brown). The liners are £27 each which I think is a lot but it will come down to personal preference and budget. These colours can be easily replicated elsewhere if your budget doesn’t run to £27 – ideally I would love to see them create some metallic liners a la Victoria Beckham and some kohl. I’ve tried them as kohls and while they are okay, they’re not the rich lay down of VB. So, if you feel tempted by either Cave or Obsidian, they’re HERE.
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