[unpaid/sample] The little bits of sunshine are making me want to change up my wardrobe – the trouble is that the brights I have are generally not the right weight for the still cold days. If you’ve read this blog from the beginning, I was so set in my clothing ways – black and white only with maybe just a dot of colour here and there. It was a rare day to find me in any meaningful colour. I still do think everything would be better in black but here we are – I’m more open to colour and have a lot more of it in my wardrobe. It’s this time of year that I get colour craving – I just want brights around me and a good way to do this is with a lipstick. My natural leaning is toward oranges but pinks feel right for now.

The crayon style Code 8 Off Broadway lives up to its name by being quick as a flash to bring lips (and cheeks) to life. The name is slightly confusing – on the site it’s 5 Secs Express in the colour Off Broadway – on the crayon it all merges into one 5 Secs Off Broadway so I don’t know exactly which is correct, if either because 5 Secs Express Off Broadway lingers somewhere. Anyway, who cares – the point is that it’s just such an enlivening pink shade – creamy but bright. It’s not quite a Barbie pink – there’s a bit more sophistication to the colour – it’s more of a peony pink (not the bright one!) but I really like the 60’s vibe it gives.

I think it’s quite expensive at £29 but if you double it up as a blush as well, maybe not so. The finish is a sheen – if you want more shine, just dab some balm over the top.

It’s a kind of juicy, upbeat colour – I think I’ll wear it a lot. It’s HERE.
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