There’s a bit of a theme emerging here – after my post about the original single Urban Decay Eye Shadows and how their pay off has never been bettered, along comes another original that’s also been widely copied, but again, never bettered. The Bobbi Shimmer Brick has turned into a beauty product icon since its permanent launch in 2003… I wonder if they knew what they had on their hands at the time? Ironically, I don’t use Shimmer Bricks – they’re just a bit too shimmery for me but it doesn’t stop me loving seeing them and being pleased when, year in, year out, they mark the beauty calendar as switching to summer.

I’ve taken pictures in shade and in sun and the result is pretty much how these behave on your skin. There’s a big level of glittery shimmer when the sun catches you and when there’s no sun, it does an illuminating enhancement that enlivens the complexion. I’d love to see a mini version of this trio – how cute would that be? I think it’s such a holiday product and when we go away, we tend to prefer to take smaller things I think. Just use a kabuki to sweep the cheeks, but as a tip, these perform rather well on eyes too if you just want to wake them up a bit with a splash of light. You can also blend a tiny bit into gloss (use a brush with good pick-up and paint the palm of your hand – add gloss and then use the wand to mix and apply) for a shimmer lip.
Anyway, it’s £55 (and thankfully will last you a long, long time) HERE. I was just about to link to John Lewis until I saw that the Bobbi site is offering free postage and a free Summer Essentials Kit containing:
• Mini Crystal Lip Gloss 7ml
• Extra Treatment Lotion 15ml
• Extra Repair Moisturizing Balm SPF25 7ml
• Extra Repair Eye Cream 2.5ml
• Skin Nourish Mask 7ml
…which seems like a bonus too good to miss, especially as you also get a free deluxe sample of something (doesn’t say what!). It’s with a £50+ spend.
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