I just thought I’d quickly update you on progress with this new supplement, Good Hair. The original post is HERE and gives you the complete low down on how it works. I can say without a doubt that I’ve seen it work exceptionally well so far on my nails which have become long and strong in two months. I’ve not had such good nails for at least a couple of years, and that’s no exaggeration. They were snapping and flaking and now they’re not.
In terms of my hair, I’d expect it to take longer to see any results but I feel fairly confident that new growth is more abundant. You’ll notice that it’s a 60 tablet bottle and you need to take two a day. I’ve been taking one a day (I know, I didn’t read the instructions properly) and still getting results. So, I’ve just ordered two more bottles (HERE) where there is £8 off making the bottles £24.99 instead of £32.99. I’m so impressed with it that I’m now a bone fide customer instead of just a tester!
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