Every couple of weeks or so I use a ‘detox’ shampoo to get rid of any build up. While I don’t use styling products often – the most adventurous I get in that area is Ouai Rose Oil before I blow dry unless I’m specifically trialling something for review – inevitably traces of whatever I’ve used before add up. My on and off go-to (more on than off) over the years has been Ojon Full Detox. But, quietly, while I wasn’t looking, Lauder has eradicated the entire brand. It’s gone for good. I feel quite sad about it – before we could even get Ojon in the UK I used to get it sent over from the US or badger any friends travelling there to bring me back a bucket load of Full Detox or Dry Recovery. There are a few bits and pieces left on Escentual but otherwise, it’s all gone. I wondered, in a Beauty Business News post back in March why the brand had gone so quiet in outreach, so now I know.
But, the plus side to my favourite clarifying shampoo disappearing is that I’ve discovered Moroccan Oil Clarifying Shampoo, £18.95 (HERE) and it’s the perfect replacement, not least because, unlike a lot of clarifiers, it doesn’t seem to strip out my hair colour.

The days that I use clarifying shampoo are the best hair days – residue you don’t even realise is there gets cleared away and hair just behaves so much better by being shinier, softer and swishier. I usually do a 72 Hair mask (HERE) after shampooing, but I’ve been trying the light version of the Moroccan Oil Hydrating Mask, £31.95 for a large tub (HERE) and I have no complaints. A detox followed by a light conditioning treatment – I promise, it’s the best hair you’ll have without going to the hairdresser! Speaking of, I’m off to get my hair re-coloured and cut today and taking with me the new Color Wow Dream Coat so that my stylist can put it on for me – it’s apparently humidity proof and given that it’s properly humid today with damp, warm air, I’ll be able to report back on its anti-puff properties. If you don’t want to wait, it’s £22 HERE.
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