[unpaid/sample/affiliate/ad] I think my hair has needed less conditioning in recent months – probably because pollution has been down so dramatically. But in the past couple of weeks I’ve noticed it’s getting dry at the ends again – another hair cut is probably imminent.

This – which to my surprise smells more like sun cream than hair conditioner – is a good stop gap for between cuts to keep the ends behaving well. It’s actually for all hair types so how you use it will depend upon your hair type – if you have curls or textured hair then an all-over spritz will help to combat dryness and keep pollution damage at bay although I’d strongly advise you to spritz lightly and add more rather than go all-in. Personally, I feel it’s a bit weighty for fine hair. The main player in Nutri-Plenish is Pomegranante Oil – a good source of omegas. Use it after your wash and dry as normal or as a dry end smoother on already dry hair. It’s timely because it has a UV filter so if your hair suffers in the sun it’s for you. When I tested it out on wet hair before drying, I loved it – and the scent – more so than as a dry end or condition refresher but it’s each to their own with this type of formula.

While looking for the best stockist, I came across this set containing the leave-in conditioner (full size), shampoo (50ml) and conditioner (50ml both light hydration) so I’d grab that and run quite frankly because it’s got £7.50 off making it £29.20 – usual price of Leave-In is £27.50. Find it HERE, non affiliate HERE.
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