Lidl Soft Blanket Candle

Lidl Candle

After featuring a £50 candle yesterday, I’m redressing the balance slightly by featuring a £1.50 candle from Lidl. But quite honestly, I should have put that £1.50 into a pot to save up for another Damselfly one instead. I nipped down to Lidl to take a look at the face mask makers HERE to see if I really *needed* one and I didn’t. I reckoned I would use it once to show on the blog and then never make another coconut and olive oil mask again in my life. So I came away with a gorgeously comforting sounding candle (and chocolate rice cakes).

All there is to say about this is that it was a nice idea. There’s no fragrance, the label is wonky and you can’t even see the flame flickering away because the glass is so frosted. I had all the hopes of being that person that discovers some incredible dupe of Chanel or Dior. Nope.

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3 responses to “Lidl Soft Blanket Candle”

  1. Ah, the Chanel dupe in Lidl is their perfume: Suddenly Madame Glamour is a complete twin of Coco Mademoiselle.

  2. Nita

    I Am currently wearing the Aldi, Pomegranate Noir body lotion. It is blooming Fabulous!

    1. Jane

      really?? I’m going to have to try it!

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