[purchase/affiliate] The search for the perfect linen shirt is over. I’ve got a wardrobe stuffed with linen shirts that somehow aren’t ‘quite’ right – either they’re too heavy (in which case, when the sun is up, too hot), too light (creasing and looking limp) or too baggy (swamped at 5 foot 3). But, I picked up this sorbet orange linen shirt from H&M yesterday and love it.

I love the fact that it’s a creamy orange – someone once put me off wearing bright orange by saying it reminded them of Easyjet and it has really stuck with me so unless it’s broken up or an accessory, I don’t really wear it. The irony though is that I love an orange lip. This shirt is exactly as I want it to fit – loose but not enormous, slim sleeves so they can be folded up to the elbow, a mid-weight that will crease stylishly rather than looking like it’s been kept in a bag for a fortnight. There’s a grey, a white, a blue stripe, a black and a pale blue and at £17.99 HERE I am going back for the white. If it comes out at a later date in pink, I’ll have that too! Now is the time to snap up the early summer launches – come May they will be sold out, if not before. The flowery shirt I showed a couple of weeks ago is completely sold out already.
I’ve also been eyeing up summer bags from Accessorize which isn’t my usual haunt at all but they’re just so great! Much brighter in real life than the pictures suggest and as good for the beach as the supermarket. I actually think the stripe will have my £££s. So, the crochet square bag is £50 (yikes, Accessorize!) HERE, the stripe is £35 HERE, and the palm is £30 HERE.
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