It’s the first frost of the winter for us softie Londoners – I walked with Honey this morning in the park bundled in my fleece and new Mukluks with a hot coffee in hand and that sense of joy that only comes from sunshine on sparkling ground. It was glorious.

If you’ve read my blog for a while, you’ll know I have an epic Fitflop collection as it is, as well as having splurged on boots indecently this autumn. But I have not more gratefully received a pair than these. If you’re walking for more than just a stroll – for fitness and to get the heart rate up a bit as is advised (I’ve got the app – Active 10 – that encourages and charts your walking) keeping your feet warm AND being able to power along, most boots are a hindrance more than a help. And my feet just don’t stay warm enough in trainers.

I love the sassy tassle (tie it tight!) and cosy blanketing effect that the inside sheepskin has – it is every kind of bliss that cold weather has a habit of killing as soon as you step outside. My mum likes cold weather because she says it kills germs – is this true? I found myself being pleased this morning that all the germs would die off and then wondering whether that is actually fact and how I’ve just completely believed it to be true because I’ve heard it so many times!
Either way, these are just the nicest thing you can do for your feet if you like to walk with a bounce in your step in the cold weather and I would so highly recommend them. We have months of cold weather ahead and these boots do make it all a bit better. They’re £160 HERE and all sizes are available up to an 8.
*Boots sent to me courtesy of Fitflop
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