[productsample] I know the middle of summer probably isn’t the time to be testing bath salts that rely on hot water to do their work, but recently I’ve taken up yoga (I know, I hardly recognise myself…) and being a beginner means a few muscle aches.

Verdant Alchemy Ascent Bath Salts

I’ve written about Verdant Alchemy before after discovering them last year at the Indi Beauty Expo and they’re really some of the best salts I’ve ever used because of their high level of aromatherapy  oils. Despite the label saying rose geranium, lavender and black pepper, you’re definitely not getting a gentle floral mix – there’s a kick of camphor behind those things that gives a proper ‘sport’ soak feel.

Verdant Alchemy Ascent Bath Salts

£26 feels a bit steep for a 250g tub – especially when the instructions suggest a few handfuls in each bath and there are only a few handfuls in the pot. However, the oils are potent so you don’t really need much more than a tablespoonful to get a decent waft of the aromas. So, despite being a warm day, I had a good soak using the salts and my calf muscles were grateful! You can find Verdant Alchemy HERE. 

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