The rose-with-everything trend continues! This time, it’s in affordable form from The Body Shop who have sourced organically grown blooms from Hertfordshire to create a range that can contend with any luxury rose product.

As you might imagine, it’s a comprehensive range that includes hand, body and make up with all the usual suspects in the form of shower gel, body cream, bath lotion and the intriguing sounding Body Glow which is something I have to get my hands on! Scent wise, it’s a very pure rose – slightly sweet and a little bit old-fashioned when put side by side with some of the newer rose fragrances and products that have emerged. But, if you love a simple rose fragrance, it’s really very pretty. I used the Bath Foam last night and it was just lovely – a real burst of roses (and a soft foam) that scented the whole bathroom as well as me.

No surprise, I don’t suppose, that it’s the makeup that made my eyes light up. There are four new Lip & Cheek Stains (£12), a palette £22 and a new nail shade.

The picture is slightly confusing because the actual doe’s foot on the wand is pink, so with the lighter shades, the actual tint looks like it hasn’t merged properly when in fact, it has.

See what I mean? I think that’s a bit of a product development fail – you don’t want to open your new make-up and have to wonder if it needs a shake up or something. But, it’s a small detail on an otherwise very decent stain. It IS stainy, so don’t dab that wand on your cheek and then absent mindedly answer the phone – you need to be quick on the blend otherwise you’ll have a mark that doesn’t want to move. The shades do that flush-wash thing to create a very natural look on the cheeks although I found for lips, it’s not particularly impactful – more enhancing a natural look than creating a statement on its own. I also found they’ve got quite a strong taste.. but can’t quite make out what it is!

From bottom to top in the swatch picture we have: Dusty Rose, Vineyard Peach, Pink Guava and Deep Berry.

I have the palette to swatch up in a separate post but I’m a little bit open-mouthed that it’s £22. That doesn’t seem very ‘affordable’ Body Shop. The Body Shop British Rose Collection has already launched HERE with prices from £5.
I was actually thinking of putting together a rose basket for my mum for Mother’s Day, with rose lemonade, some rose macarons, a British Rose bath foam and a little rose posy but in reality it will depend upon whether she is here or in Scotland because I can’t think that would post well! But, I like the idea.
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