[purchase] Well, indeed this was a surprise in more ways than one! I often make little YesStyle orders – it’s a site that stocks loads of Japanese and Korean brands and ships easily and quickly to the UK. But for the first time ever, I got a Custom’s Charge on my most recent order which included the Surprising Bath Bomb. With the tax and handling charge, it came to just over £17 – ouch! So, that was the bad surprise…
Because it’s impossible to read packaging, what I thought I was ordering was a cat-shaped bath bomb which I thought would be fun, so the next surprise was that it’s a ball. A lemony scented, tightly packed fizz bomb that took almost longer than my bath to fully dissolve. However, in the middle was this…
I mean, it’s hard to be cross about anything when the last surprise is this! So, I definitely got more than I was expecting. It’s so unusual to get a custom’s charge on products from that site but I can’t recommend that you buy one just in case you do. When I think about it, there were little characters next to the packaging but I thought they were just the ‘real thing’ that the bombs were in the shape of… when I look back now, I see it is fully explained and not sure how I ever missed it. Happy Friday to all – and happy weekend. x
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