I’m a massive fan of AHA body lotions which will smooth your skin like no other. Given they’re such wonder workers, it’s surprising there are so few around. I really rate Ameloriate, Gatineau and now, the new REN offering. The reason they work so well is exactly the same as why acids work so well on your face – they get your old cells that hold back the elusive glow sloughed off to reveal newer, brighter skin. It’s really that simple.

Enzymatic exfoliation seems to be just as effective as physical and this one has a bit of trend-ingredient, pro-biotic, thrown in too. In my mind, I don’t really expect a serum to look like a cream – but this does. The texture is like a gel cream and it has a gorgeous, orange scent which turned a bit milky on my skin (lactic acid) but not in the least unpleasant. It absorbs quickly and silkily. I feel, like many REN products, this is £10 too expensive at £35 for 200ml HERE, (on the plus it’s free shipping with a free lipbalm using code LIPPY) but it’s a good one off pre-holiday buy to use generously for two weeks before you have to don those shorts! AHA body lotions genuinely work on rough or bumpy skin (I get bumps on the top of my thighs which I leave well alone all winter because they’re just not bothersome enough and then deal with them using an AHA lotion before I go on holiday) so I can promise you that you will see a difference in skin texture and smoothness. Gatineau is £39 for 400ml (HERE) and Ameliorate is £22.49 for 200ml HERE.
There is something very thrilling and satisfying when you know your body skin – even on your arms – feels incredibly soft. It’s that casual moment of delight when someone touches your arm and instead of saying what they were going to say, they immediately comment on how soft your skin feels – that happened to me and I was SO pleased! Even if you’ve already got smooth and moisturised skin you’ll still notice a difference using an AHA body product.
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