There’s just nothing not to like with the L’Occitane Almond Hand Cream that’s an instant hit of comfort and silkiness for hands. Scent wise, it’s lightly sweet and powdery with a little trail of flowers. The magic of this formula is that it doesn’t feel at all greasy – there’s virtually no residue only moments after you’ve applied it. For the chronically impatient, like me, this is a major bonus!
I’m not that interested in the almond tree native cells (may help to boost collagen, etc) but I am definitely interested in the SPF15. I’m starting to notice that my hands are developing dark marks which is a sure sign of sun damage. It’s not like I wasn’t told to use SPF on my hands – for literally years! But, I’ve been sporadic about it and now it shows. I can’t say that I find them bothersome at this point, but it’s really time if I don’t want them to get very deeply pigmented, to take some easy action – which is to use an SPF hand cream.
L’Occitane Almond Hand Cream is kind of on the edge of what I’d spend on a hand cream at £18 but it does feel rather more special than most. It’s HERE.
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