Not strictly beauty, I know, but I’m mindful of the fact that my post on Teepee tooth picks is still one of my most looked at, so I’m allowing a rogue minty post on the grounds that oral hygiene is a beautiful thing! Actually, there are some beauty parallels anyway – bear with! First of all, encapsulated technology from Japan. Beauty world loves encapsulating – think of all those lovely skin caviars that look so pretty in the bottles. This time, for Dentyl BB Mints, it’s a dual layer of action going on in these little blue bubbles. The first layer dissolves in your mouth and once that’s happened (it’s VERY minty by the way) you swallow the bit that’s left (the inner core) and that helps to neutralise odours in your stomach so they don’t get as far as your mouth. Clever, hey, and beats those minty glosses that ‘freshen breath’ (cough, cough) hands down.

As I’ve just come back from a mini-holiday where I had far, far too much garlic mayo and garlic rubbed bread (in the same meal, and I thought I might get thrown off the plane that evening) I did think a mint like this would have been everything handy. It’s funny but not funny when you know you’re going to be in a confined space such as a plane and you’re oozing garlic from every pore. In my defense, I didn’t know the bread was garlic rubbed until too late. I think if you love food that others may not, these are just genius and they’re only £1 for a box as well so money very well spent! You can find them at Tesco HERE.
NB: These contain gelatin.
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