Younique Direct Selling


younique lashes
younique lashes

I’ve had a lot – and I mean a lot – of contact via email, the BBB contact form and Twitter from a brand called Younique, so decided to do some investigation into the brand.

First up, it’s a direct sales and party plan company (like Mary Kay or Avon) with the point of difference that it uses social media almost exclusively to make sales. Actually, in the US it seems to have been very successful so far.

Sales people are called ‘presenters’, which is kind of confusing to my ear – it implies that there is some kind of media associated with it when there isn’t. When I look at the presenters’ starter pack (in the US it’s $99 and you have to buy it) there’s really not much in it (mostly testers to show at parties – mineral pigment testers, concealer testers, blush testers and 3D Fibre lashes – their best seller; the rest is things like a Younique bank account and instant access to their Virtual Party System). Younique is adamant that it is not a pyramid selling scheme, but it does operate by presenters taking on other presenters to their team and then the money filtering through, as far as I can work out.

To be fair, so far, I haven’t found one single negative review regarding either the quality of the products or the sales tactics. The brand targets women to sell to women and despite being email bombed by presenters, the one that I did reply to saying that I didn’t want to test, was very gracious and very polite. However, there is a big emphasis on the brand’s aim to ‘empower women’. I’m not sure how empowering it is. The whole presenter tiering bothers me.. you can go from Presenter to Exemplary Presenter to Elite Presenter and finish on Exclusive Presenter, but I imagine with such a huge slew of new entry level presenters (judging from my inbox) dilutes the chances of ever finding your way up the chain. Oh, and you get ‘deactivated’ if you don’t sell a certain amount over a 3 month period. It’s not a lot, but I’m just not sure how empowering that can possibly be. Far be it from me to want anyone who feels entrepreurial enough to take this on not to succeed, but so far it’s clear that the right hand doesn’t talk to the left – I have the feeling that no one presenter knows what the others are doing, so it’s really not their fault that cumulatively, it’s too much, and its working against them in terms of being received well.

So, bottom line is – for anyone who is also getting a lot of Younique contacts via social media – in order for presenters to get anywhere up the chain they need to be very active in social media; a blog review is certainly very helpful to promote their individual businesses so they will definitely be chasing for it. I’m interested to see how high pressure their sales techniques will be to get blog reviews.

I will repeat, I haven’t had any kind of bad experience (other than just far, far too many contacts – 15 at the last count within the past fortnight, not including Twitter) with Younique, but I have a wary eye out to see how this pans out in the UK market. We’re not that good at being ‘sold’ to and I’m starting to feel uncomfortably bombarded by Younique Direct Selling.

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10 responses to “Younique Direct Selling”

  1. I’ve seen this company everywhere, it’s all over Facebook and increasingly on my Twitter feed and it’s driving me insane! I worked briefly for a similar company years ago as I needed some cash and it’s so hard to work your way up, you really need to sell a lot of products to make it work. I have to say I’m put off by this brand because of the way they work xxx Thou Shalt Not Covet

  2. Joanna

    I had an ‘independent presenter’ follow me on instagram recently, so I had a little read about what Younique’s deal is and was very confused by the whole concept. It’s not something I will be buying into and I actually feel put off from trying the products because of their selling technique!

  3. Like you, I have been bombarded with 8 emails so far and many instagram comments. However one lady was extremely lovely, so I have agreed to review it for her as I’m really impressed by the before and after shots. I’m looking forward to trying it, although I’m not looking forward to being contacted by other ‘Presenters’ x

  4. it’s all over Facebook and increasingly on my Twitter feed and it’s driving me insane!

  5. I was also contacted by one lovely lady, I didn’t know anything about Younique before. Tomorrow I’ll get the package, I hope it’s a nice product but I agree their selling techniques are too much and bother a lot of people 🙁

  6. I’ve also gotten quite a few emails from Younique presenters with sample offers, but haven’t accepted any of them. The whole concept of multi-level marketing kind of offends me. It oversaturates the market for [x] product, and the lower-level distributors lose out. I also resent a business model that enourages you to harass your friends, coworkers and loved ones to make a sale. I’m suspicious of Younique especially, since social media is the main marketing platform – the majority of the people pushing it are going to make money (or at least recoup some of the money they already spent) if you buy. Bloggers at least are required to disclose if they’re sponsored/using affiliate links/got free stuff 🙂

  7. Jen

    Ah, I stumbled upon this review and wish that you all had a better experience with the Younique brand. I am a Presenter and the company’s founders and products are really wonderful — I think my colleagues are just excited to share the products they’ve come to love. Younique is expanding to the UK so I expect the buzz will not die down for you. I personally was annoyed by a friend of mine who was constantly posting about Younique but then I tried the mascara and was instantly hooked — I’m now in love with full product line, the compensation plan and the network of supportive women. xo

  8. My Younique contact sent me some samples and hasn’t pressurised at all to review. They did send me details recently asking me to join them when they launch here and to publicise the brand and selling model but when I politely declined my response was politely acknowledged. I wish them every success it’s just not for me

  9. Anna

    Oh, this is SO irritating! Honestly, out of curiosity I could be spending some money on Oriflame, Avon, Mary Kay &Co, but their sticky representatives ruin all the spirit. Why on Earth can not they have a simple internet shop in addition to these “(wo)man-hunters”?

  10. Hello ladies! I am an exclusive presenter from the USA and can say that I’ve never spammed anyone’s email, social media account, etc. I truly believe in building relationships and a sense of trust with anyone who joins my team. I can tell you that we are not a pyramid scheme. We get NOTHING from a presenter’s initial signup with our company. In fact, if we don’t work alongside our team, we do not get paid. I joined the company on December 28, 2013 and my team is currently at 800 presenters. Unlike Mary Kay, Avon, etc. we are only a couple years old with so much growth potential. Our compensation plan is the best I’ve seen (I’ve been unsuccessful in other direct sales so I know the difference) and we are not required to keep inventory or enroll people in any kind of auto-ship program. While I understand this isn’t business isn’t for everyone, it truly is a life changing experience that I’m forever grateful to be part of. I sincerely apologize for any negative light that has been shed on us as we truly are a company that empowers women. I would love to explain anything you may have questions about with no pressure from me about joining my team. I just want anyone who is looking to change their life to get a clear understanding of everything Younique stands for!


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