It’s a long old time since I had a baby to wash (I think I’d be terrified now… ) but when my children were babies there was nothing like the interesting selection of baby products that there is now. I’m slightly aware of the smug-mummy brigade that think you should only wash your baby in organic, blessed by bees, doula whispered product – but the prices! It’s not an affordable option for the majority of new mums. I don’t really like the implication either, that using baby care products that aren’t organic could be a parenting fail – that you aren’t doing your very best by your baby. It isn’t, any more than opening a tin of Spaghetti Hoops and calling it a nourishing pasta dish is. I did that a lot!
So, I have some respect for Very British Baby for making a cool looking, paraben free range, and giving the right advice on the label. It is recommended that you wash your baby in only water for the first two to four weeks (I’m sure I’ve seen the same instructions for a pair of jeans) and that’s exactly what the packaging states. Ingredients, while not organic, are made to gentle formulas so they’re safe to use on delicate baby skin (if your baby has super sensitive skin, check ahead with your health visitor).
I just like it that it’s cool and affordable (about £3 a bottle) and available in supermarkets (Morrisons). I don’t usually review anything baby on this site, but Very British Baby, with it’s slightly grumpy looking bear on the front, might be a turning point in how mass market baby products are packaged.
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