I’ve got to admit that I had to have a really big think about whether to post anything at all on the Urban Decay Vice Lipstick collection – 100 brand new lipsticks in a multiple of finishes. Why? They’re designed to look like bullets, and I just think… really? In fact, all UD lipsticks are designed in a bullet like shape (well, most lipsticks are.. hence the term ‘bullet’) but the new ones are more so, when ideally, anything going forward should probably resemble physical bullets less. For many obvious reasons.

I get it that the roots of Urban Decay are all about the badass and the edgy and going against the grain – who needs make up to look pretty? It should speak to our rebellious side or our sexy side – but not, er, our inner killer. In light of more recent events, I’m wondering if this launch has been scaled right back because I feel it’s been rather quiet for such a huge product number. Anyway, you can read into it what you will, but massive UD fan as I am, I felt quite sad when I saw these. Guns stopped being Calamity Jane amusing way back and now they’re just a symbol of awfulness. I’m not sure how you go from Alice In Wonderland to this. Anyway, my view but entirely your choice – I imagine plenty of people won’t really think twice about it or maybe take it as seriously as I have. Make up sometimes can get you like that.

The colours, right to left: Backtalk (comfort matte), Pandemonium (mega matte), 714 (mega matte), Firebird (cream) and Big Bang (metalic).

And the same order from bottom to top in the swatch. I can’t knock these for colour saturation – they’re super dense and power-packed. They have a very low scent which is a good thing – and they have proper shade matched labels which is quite rare. I only have five here – the Firebird label isn’t a good colour match to the lipstick inside (although it is truer to the swatch) but all the others are spot on perfect.
They’re £15 each HERE.
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