To be honest, I always thought ‘sensitive scalp’ was a bit of a made up thing, until I met someone recently who has a very tight and sensitive scalp that causes her all sorts of discomfort. I think it’s one of those things that if you haven’t ever had it, you can’t really relate very well to it.
There’s a whole heap of renewing scalp products coming from TRESemme in August that deals with the scalp, but my eye is drawn to TRESemme Renewal Hair & Scalp Tonic because I think it’s going to be a very handy product for those who style a lot (which can exacerbate sore scalps) in helping to moisturise scalp skin and create a soothing feel. Sunflower seed oil and tea tree are the main players in this product – it’s been tested backstage on models whose scalps are ultra sensitive from all the over styling with heat and pulling hair into all kinds of styles and I’m told that it did have a very soothing effect. Even I’m thinking ouch at that – when some models get their hair re-styled three or four times in one day – imagine that x 7.
TRESemme Renewal Hair & Scalp Tonic is a bit of a snip at £5.50 (I can see premium brands charing much, much more for a specialist product like this) and I imagine well worth a try. Obviously, I haven’t tested it out – my scalp isn’t sensitive or dry so there wouldn’t be anything to report on, but if you do give it a go when it launches in August, please let me know your experience.
NB: This has launched at Boots early HERE.
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