Honestly, it’s been such a long time since I’ve felt tempted by anything Tom Ford. But, I’ve got to say that I find his forthcoming Lips & Boys collection completely inspiring. I want everything. Women’s Wear Daily (HERE) reports that it’s a fifty strong, mini lipstick collection. All named after men.
I LOVE this – goodness knows there are enough lipsticks named after ‘Hollywood icons’ in the world – we sure don’t need any more of those. And the fact that they’re mini – like we ever use all of our lipsticks to the very bottom any more anyway! So, small size makes total sense, and of course, psychological license to buy more because we can kid ourselves we might actually finish them.
As far as naming the colour shades after men – why not? Cool concept although given that they’re all men who have had or do have a part in Tom Ford’s life, they’ll be rather meaningless to us as consumers. I think I’d be pushed to come up with 50 men past or present – maybe I haven’t lived on the wild side enough!
The Tom Ford Lips & Boys Collection has completely reignited my interest in this brand. *excited face*
The collection launches on 26th December.
Photo Credit is WWD and Thomas Iannaccone.
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