Wahanda has shared with us today the secrets of V Steaming – yes, it is what you think it might be – a steaming session for your vajayjay. Known as Chai-Yok, the steaming involves stripping from the waist down over an open-seated stool with a boiling pot of mugwort tea strategically placed beneath.
It’s used in Korea to help with a variety of issues including ridding the body of toxins, minimising period cramps and clearing piles.
So not sure who I’d be comfortable sharing a group steam with even if they do provide a modesty preserving poncho. And lest you think that there’s no fun for boys, they can also partake in what is coyly known as an A Steam. You can even buy your own tea-mix should you have a stool with a hole in it and an extra large poncho at your disposal. Find it HERE
See the rest of the fab Wahanda feature HERE
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