The Body Shop Limited Edition Hemp Hand Protector

The Body Shop Limited Edition Hemp Hand Protector
The Body Shop Limited Edition Hemp Hand Protector

To be honest, hemp in anything doesn’t really do it for me – I can’t get excited about hemp. But, everything about this (except the hemp!) is exciting. The Body Shop has teamed up with street artist EINE to add a splash of colour to this limited edition hand protector. If you don’t know EINE, he uses his street art to create powerful messages using words and colour. And, I love the colour splash on the hemp hand protector with the word CHANGE.

The Body Shop Limited Edition Hemp Hand Protector
The Body Shop Limited Edition Hemp Hand Protector

The reason for the collaboration is that The Body Shop is aiming to raise £300,000 for The Body Shop Foundation (HERE) to protect oceans, animals or people. If you don’t know about this arm of The Body Shop it’s very well worth having a read (and don’t make my mistake of putting Body Shop Foundation in search – you get makeup foundation, not the Foundation!) about. What’s a little bit different about the £1.50 donation from each product is that a purchase allows you to vote for the cause closest to you personally. Most beauty brands pick one particular charity and that’s where the money goes – I think I’d rather see a split so more charities get a share of the pot than one charity taking it all and the others get literally nothing. It just seems that as a consumer you have more input.

The Body Shop Limited Edition Hemp Hand Protector is £11 and look out for it from February. I know that I’m not a hemp fan, but it is an ingredient that has plenty to offer in terms of essential fatty acids. The Body Shop uses the non-psychotic form of hemp (oh, but it would have been so interesting to use the other form! imagine getting accidentally high from your hand cream…because hemp is a cultivated form of cannabis) – the oil and this hand cream is in fact, a best seller with one being sold every 9 seconds in the world.


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3 responses to “The Body Shop Limited Edition Hemp Hand Protector”

  1. Mel

    I wanna try! My hands are taking a beating because I’m afraid of germs and am always washing my hands. Now my hands are super dry and it’s not a cute look….

    Mel |

    1. Jane

      Lanolips does an anti-bacterial hand cream – that would mean you don’t have to wash your hands as often and they’ll probably improve dramatically in condition. It’s about £10 I think.

  2. Anisa

    This is the only hand cream that works for me. I’ve probably bought atleast 15 in the past few years.

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