If you’re a regular reader of this site, you’ll know that I’m not that fond of things that are ‘anti-ageing’ – I’m more about pro-ageing or actually, things being more carefully labelled so that I’m not colluding with the ‘it’s awful to be older’ aspect of the beauty industry. I don’t think like that and feel that it’s old fashioned to still be labelling products in this way. There are more respectful ways to speak to women, I feel.
That aside, this foundation is interesting in that it’s clearly pointed at older women and there aren’t many foundations that specifically are. The testers were all in their forties or above. Texturally, it’s light but I’d advise moisturising before using it if your skin runs to dry. It’s got a good whack of hyaluronic which is always helpful as well as a cell renewal activator, Marine Silicum. It’s a liquid mineral foundation, and particularly good at evening out skin tone – it was the first thing I noticed when I tried it. The finish is ‘happy lighting’ – so your skin does look visually softened in some way, but I’d have to disagree with the ‘light enhancing powders’ to enable optical correction of wrinkles. Not really happening.
There’s a claim on the Thalgo Anti-Ageing Foundation that skin will appear firmer and more toned. There is something in this but it’s hard to put my finger on and even harder to explain! I think it does give an overall firmer looking effect but don’t expect miracles. It’s a subtle effect.
For a foundation, there are surprisingly few shades – three in fact, so you’ll only find this suitable if you fall into any of those categories (fair, natural or amber – bad name choices.. ‘natural’ is a bit of a beauty no-no bearing in mind that natural is a whole range of colours depending upon your ethnicity).
Overall, I felt that Thalgo Anti-Ageing Foundation did deliver on good coverage, skin softness and a firmer look to my skin, but then so do many other foundations. However, I do like that it caters to an age group that isn’t often considered specifically for coverage products and I love that it contains hyaluronic acid. It’s £32 HERE.
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