Okay, so this new launch is really fun. If you’ve read BBB for a while then you might remember that my friend Christine brought me back some self heating panty liners from Korea. Treating pelvic pain with heat is apparently a common thing, but if you’ve never come across it before, as I hadn’t, it’s all of the odd. Spacemasks follow a similar line in the self heating arena, but this time, it’s to wear over your eyes as a relaxation treatment.
To be fair, the eye mask does have a bit of a panty liner look (and feel) to it, but if you don’t mind that (if you have a partner or friend likely to walk in on you, you might want to warn them first) then it’s really rather effective. I showed it on Facebook Live yesterday, and while I was wondering how hot eyes could be relaxing, others pointed out that if you have sinus problems, it’s likely to be very soothing. I really hadn’t thought of that – I thought more about it being a cold winter evening and you’re just out of a hot and soothing bath and how lovely it would be to go and lie on your bed with a heated eye mask on.
Most of the benefit is in the novelty, I think – the masks contain (as do the liners) iron filings that heat up when exposed to air. They’re safe, obviously, and if you’ve never tried this kind of thing, it’s definitely worth it for the experience. The other thing to say is that the packaging is amazing – as a new brand, it’s been put together impeccibly. It looks the part, takes you with it on the concept of relaxation with a galactical twist and delivers something interesting. Nice job. You can find Spacemasks HERE for £15 for 5.
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