Social Media: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

I know I’m doing too many blogging-related posts, but this is the last one for ages I promise (unless something, you know, blogger related crops up!) because they’re not that interesting for anyone who isn’t a blogger. But, it’s the best and most effective way I have of getting a message out and there is definitely a message here!
The latest trend is for PRs to employ social media specialists to work with bloggers – fantastic idea, except not for the anomalous bloggers like me who work across two genres. That’s no easy task in itself, but I’m very much starting to resent being shunted over to the blogger side while I still have print work going on. I love being a blogger – I’m more blogger in my soul than print writer for sure – but for one job I need one thing and for blogging I need another thing. Or rather, for blogging I just do my own thing.
I can see an emerging pattern of brands trying to ‘contain’ bloggers, which I don’t see as any part of the way I blog – I’m not actually containable in that respect because I will blog how, when and about what I choose regardless, because that is what BBB readers have come to know and hopefully like. 
What it boils down to at the bottom line is that some brands are hesitant to give me information for print, in case it appears on my blog and they’re not quite, er, ready, whatever that means. They lose print exposure and I lose credibility. In some cases, where I have been especially asked, of course I’ve held back on blogging a product that I have seen early for print purposes. I will only blog a product in that situation if it is already on-line somewhere..what with the web being world-wide and all that. And also what with PRs and brands thinking that anyone with a blog can’t actually see Women’s Wear Daily. 
Relationship building with PRs is absolutely key – it is often years in the making, hence my hesitancy to be pigeon-holed as purely blogger. It doesn’t seem fair somehow that after years of working with PRs – and it is not always easy – that a new person swans in and I have to start all over again, and also have minimal contact with people I really like (in some cases, I’ve known them for years and years). I don’t have the heart for it to be honest, and it’s awful when they’re all bright, shiny, enthusiastic and new and I’m like, oh, whatever. Not fair on them either really.  
So yet again, the social media message is that one size does not and never will fit all.

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6 responses to “Social Media: One Size Doesn’t Fit All”

  1. Makeup Advice Forum – Sam

    Jane I hear you loud and clear.

    It tickles me when I get invited to one brand’s event but from 2 prs (who probably sit opposite each other) who have iinvited me to both the blogger and print event…

    I don’t mind being on 2 lists as I work both short and long lead, but I do object to not being allowed to go to a print press event when it’s for something I need to prep now, despite that it’s not going to be live for another 3 months, so finding that I’m only on a short lead list is a tad frustrating…

    S x

  2. Jo

    I read these and I’m not a blogger because I find the way it works really interesting! It’s always a shame how PRs do not appreciate the value of blogging. I will not buy anything a magazine says is great because I am never sure of their motivation, but I will buy on the recommendation of good blogs like yours that I read. So much for PR to learn! I just hope that they do learn (soon) 🙂

    1. helen

      I agree with Jo! Although I’m only a baby when it comes to blogging and have no experience with PRs at all I do get wary of what the products in print have actually been placed there for… With a blog like BBB I know there are no lies and no alternative motivations behind the reviews so I will always trust a blog over a magazine or paper any day!

  3. “I know I’m doing too many blogging-related posts, but this is the last one for ages I promise” Nooooooo! I need your blogging posts; more blogging posts please xx

  4. Anonymous

    i think you need to make that differentiation clear to PRs – that you will attend x event as a writer and not a blogger and vice versa. I understand when a PR might be sceptical as if you attend x event as a press journalist and then you decide to blog about their product when there is some sort of an embargo or some sort of proposed publication date (ie if you blog way ahead about a product that a press journalist will write about their december issues there is a problem) I understand why there might a problem and why PRs need to be more in charge. It is not always easy to contain info; the blogging scene is exploding right noe. I see horrible sites, horrible blogs and lots of PRs trying to do their best to accomodate even the worst ones.
    regarding containment of bloggers: I don’t see any complaints when certain bloggers get all these freebies in exchange for their ‘honest’ opinion.

  5. Hi Anon.. I quite agree with you.. I do my best to let everyone know that I can and do make a distinction – hence the post really.

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