What is a Social Media Agency?
It’s an agency employed by a brand to reach out to web-sites, on-line writers, You-Tubers and bloggers.
What is a Social Media expert?
You tell me. We’re all still learning as far I as I can tell.
What is a Blogging Expert?
In my view, someone who actually blogs and experiences the world of blogging first-hand. It isn’t someone who counts hit numbers, uniques or compiles lists of bloggers.
What does ‘reaching out’ mean?
Basically, it means trying to place their client’s products or events on our blogs by offering ‘free content’, ‘guest posts’ or similar ‘opportunities’ to bloggers.
What Might They Ask Me To Do?
They may ask you to run video content, how-to videos or pre-written posts with links directly to a relevant web site (whose hits are counted and then presented to the brand client as evidence of success or failure of the outreach), and attend events with a view to blogging about either the event or the products afterwards.
What Is A Text Link?
A text link is a sentence or phrase, supplied by the Social Media Agency, that you are asked to add into the body of your post about their product. When readers read your post and click on the text link, they will arrive at the product’s landing page. This allows the Social Media Agency to show their client the number of click-throughs to the landing site from blogs.
Should I Do It?
100% up to you. If you like the content, feel it is relevant to your readers and suits your blog, why not?
What does a brand expect from a Social Media Agency?
They expect that a pre-agreed number of on-line viewers will see their brand or event.
Isn’t that a little bit like advertising?
It’s a lot like advertising. In fact, it is advertising.
What is the difference between a PR and a Social Media Agency?
A Social Media agency acts like PR company, but whereas a PR usually focuses on working with journalists on magazines, newspapers, TV and radio, Social Media agencies try to talk to non-professional writers (i.e. bloggers) to encourage on-line coverage.
Are Social Media Agencies paid a fee?
Do they pass on any of that fee to bloggers?
Almost never.
Is this fair?
You decide.
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