I’ve only got a couple of samples so far of the Shupette Karl Lagerfeld for Shu Uemura range but oh! It’s all and more that I was hoping for. There’s so much more of this range to come including a make up bag that every cat lover in the whole world will want.
Whether you approve or not of Chupette – Karl’s madly indugled cat – you have to admit she translates very well as a poster girl in terms of cuteness. But the more you read about the range, the more you realise how well it ties in to Choupette – a blue palette to reflect her eyes (can’t believe I’m talking about a cat, here) and if you look at the packaging from the outside, her eyes glint – see below:
Karl Lagerfeld has a long history with Shu Uemura – he’s used their pigments for painting for many years, so this is another great fit for the brand.
Shupette is also wrapped around Shu Uemura Ultim8 Cleansing Oil – it’s going straight into my bathroom! As I say, lots more of the Shupette Karl Lagerfeld for Shu Uemura to come – I’m scant on detail at the moment but happy to offer you the first close up look.
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