[unpaid/affiliate] By chance I found the most lovely, gold shimmer lip oil by Revolution, while I was browsing Superdrug killing a bit of time before going to the Ilia launch (news coming next week). I did a piece on clear glosses and disappointingly my favourite gold hit Chanel gloss is no longer available so I think perhaps fate brought me to the Revolution version.

I really rate this £7 product – it’s just the perfect thing for ‘snow glow’ lips – a clear shine with the tiniest golden shimmer to really bring light to the mouth. It’s such a fine shimmer that unless you’re in full sun, it just brings glow rather than glitter.

Sorry for shoveling my whole face far too near for you but this was the only angle I could capture the gleam of this oil. I should say that I didn’t particularly like the taste – a mild vanilla – but it’s easily tolerated for this glowy result. You can find Touch HERE for £7.
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