Review: Dr Brandt Collagen Booster

Sometimes you don’t really appreciate what a product does for your skin until you actually stop using it, and Dr Brandt Collagen Booster is a perfect case in point. I wrestled in my head while using it what on earth I could possibly say about it, because while I didn’t dislike it, neither did I really think it was doing much for my skin. 3 weeks after finishing the bottle I am clearer now about what it did, but not necessarily able to express it definitively. Skin is a weird organ: occasionally it is downright happy and positively glowing, other times it’s distinctly unhappy and fretting, but more often, it is neither, existing between a balance of both the above. It can be difficult to pinpoint what makes skin happy, but now that I’m no longer using Collagen Booster, I do know my skin looks less well for it. It gave the texture a discernable refinement and towards the end of the bottle, a plumper and smoother appearance. At the time, using it morning and night, it acted as a good primer for make up and a great little booster under regular night cream. Without it, my skin feels drier (I’m having to boost it up again with hydrating oils on top of night cream). The blurb on the leaflets states that the serum will increase collagen, minimize the breakdown of collagen, stimulate skin to make more collagen etc, etc. I can’t in truth say for certain that any of these collagen related claims took place. But, it did put my complexion into a state of balance and harmony that made it happy, so that’s good enough for me.

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2 responses to “Review: Dr Brandt Collagen Booster”

  1. I was looking to buy this for my mom this Christmas, thanks for the review!

  2. sizbelle

    i guess thats normal as we would only say things like WOW at those dramatic changes that you can easily tell apart in a short time but for changes via a longer period and show no much changes daily, you would take it for granted.

    i agree that you would only realise how good the product is when you lose using them!

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