Renouve Hand Serum

I think I see a cult product in the making here. Renouve is a collagen boosting, peptide filled, anti-ageing hand serum that also acts as an anti-bacterial product; anti-bacs can be so drying but you really do need them in winter to help avoid colds etc. I’m not a big user of hand cream (although I have been using Trilogy Rosehip Oil Antioxiant + on my hands before bed) – I just never really remember to put them on, so I’m thinking that Renouve has more of a chance to work well because once you know it is hand sanitizing too (using bitter orange peel extract), then you’ll actually want to slather it on several times a day, and will keep it in your bag as you travel about to do just that. There is nothing like a London commute to make you want to sanitize!
I know I have some samples on the way to me in the post so I will report back on how well it’s working.. but I’m excited to try it. Find it HERE

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9 responses to “Renouve Hand Serum”

  1. Sounds fantastic, I obsessively ‘anti-bac’ my hands and always try and find something moisturising but it’s tricky! xx

  2. Charlie

    I blogged about these a few months ago, I love mine!

  3. Oooh what a good idea! They’re a bit pricey for a sanitizer, but if they are moisturising and anti-aging then it is not a bad price at all.

  4. Love the idea of these, gorgeous packaging & nice website too x

  5. These look gorgeous and I adore the packaging!
    Beauty Fiends Blog

  6. Sounds like a great way to protect yourself from developing claw hands long before your hands really do turn into claws. As someone who has done many jobs that dried out the hands, leaving them chapped and uncomfortable I thoroughly recommend using it. Your hands do need protecting, your hands really need Renouve Hand Serum.

  7. Fi

    I am definitely going to get some! As a makeup artist, I am constantly santising my hands, and so to have something which isn’t too drying but also smells nice is a big bonus!

  8. Pretty Little Passport

    What a marvellous idea!

    I have just been travelling through China, Mongolia and Russia VIA train; needless to say, I maxed out on Hand Sanitizer, leaving my poor hand in serious need of some TLC.

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