Real Techniques Retractable Bronzer Brush

Real Techniques Bronzer brush
Real Techniques Bronzer Brush

This seems like fate, because only last week I was talking with a friend about the lack of retractable brushes. I have a tiny little silver one that is a treasured possession – I can’t even remember where I got it – but I carry it all the time in my bag. The noticeable thing about the Real Techniques Retractable Bronzer Brush is that it’s quite chunky – it’s a big thing and quite heavy so not as good for portability.

Real Techniques Bronzer
Real Techniques Bronzer

However, for kit at home it’s great – there’s just nothing to complain about here – plush, non-animal bristles that give a good diffusion of product and as brushes go, it’s a bit of a snip at £12.99. It’s due to launch into Boots this month along with a retractable Kabuki priced at £11.99.

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14 responses to “Real Techniques Retractable Bronzer Brush”

  1. chloe walker

    I can’t wait to buy these!
    Be great to chuck in my handbag on a daily basis!

  2. Megan

    Wow I did not know that they were bringing this out! FYI, I have this Guerlain Bronzing Brush and its great for handbag portability!

  3. This looks super-handy, definitely need one 🙂


  4. Seems great but I don’t really carry any brushes around with me on the go. I guess I’d use it to take around if I knew I was going out at night or staying over my boyfriends and needed something in the morning.

  5. Sadie

    Looks interesting… EcoTools also have a retractable foundation brush that I’ve enjoyed using – it’s smaller than this by the looks of things, and has a pretty compact head. Would probably be okay for porting around, should you feel the need to apply foundation on the go!

  6. This is going to be fab for when I’m away travelling with work!

    Stephanie (@hopefreedomlove)

  7. Chelsea Leigh

    Hmm too bad it’s so heavy, but a good idea nonetheless!

  8. Ahh I need ome of these in my makeup bag!

  9. Woots! New family of RT makeup brushes! 😀

  10. I was hoping it would be good for travel – but it sounds quite bulky :o(

  11. Shelley

    I recently bought an amazing Hourglass double ended retractable brush from Space NK – foundation/kabuki at one end, chunky concealer at the other. It was really expensive (about £50) and not something I would ever normally buy, but was feeling reckless that day! I love it, its gives a great finish and def worth the money as I think it will last for a long time (hopefully) and an investment.

  12. Hattie

    ooh this me me so happy! I love real techniques brushes xx

  13. sami rahman

    I LOVE real techniques brushes but the packaging here doesn’t really do it for me – it looks a bit cheap… God I’m so shallow! I’m sure it’s amazing quality like the rest of their stuff lol x

  14. Mandy

    I’ve got a really nice retractable bronzing brush from bare minerals. Perfect for touch ups on the go and not too heavy. They make a few different retractable brushes.

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