Ranavat Sacred Rose Hand Cream Review

[unpaid/sample/affiliate/ad] Wow – so, I find hand creams honestly a bit dull to review but from the moment I put this on my skin I was sold. I’m lazy at hand creams – don’t often need them to be honest; I’ll try to remember to put SPF on my hands when I put it on my face, but the best laid plans and all that. Nail care, yes, hands – I just forget. But, this one is a revelation!

Ranavat Sacred Rose Hand Cream Review

Ranavat is made in India (the Indian beauty market is one to watch because it is incoming..) and quite new to the UK. Based around Ayurveda, the brand has taken inspiration from the skin care rituals of Indian royalty and yes, for that you can read expensive. One of the things I really like about Ranavat is that it’s all thriller, no filler. Just the correct necessaries to do the work on your skin.

Ranavat Sacred Rose Hand Cream Review

The hand cream is a blend of humectants and and moisturisers – it’s feather light, given it’s powerful hydration punch and is fragranced with Indian rose. The scent stays for almost ever – it’s a fresh, sweet rose (maybe too strong for those who are prefer understated) that’s a pleasure to get wafts of throughout the day. As soon as it goes onto your hands you can feel the barrier that’s going to keep all the moisture in your skin but it’s soon unobtrusive. I didn’t really expect from the initial feel of the cream – which feels more like a face cream – that it would deliver the level of hydration and protection that it does. It’s £32 so probably best for a treat – I’m referring you to Cult HERE for the free postage but it’s also stocked at Harrods. Ingredients include glycerin, sunflower oil, sweet almond, aloe vera, and Manjistha, a type of madder.


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