I know I said no more candles… but this one has been on my conscience and it’s a lovely candle that’s very much worth mentioning for more reasons that the scent. It’s the Origins Feel Good Candle, which is part of the Origins and Global ReLeaf 25th Anniversary with the Give & Give Back campaign that plants a tree for every candle sold.
It’s a kind of orangey-piney scent; quite mild and I am sure I detect some vanilla notes in there.. It’s 100% Soy Wax and the glass jar is a recycled wine bottle. It’s £35 HERE. Bearing in mind that this has sold out once (restocking today), I imagine that’s a fair old forest that wouldn’t have existed if it weren’t for this candle. I’d love to know how many trees plantings sales of the Origins Feel Good Candle creates – Origins is a global brand so I’m betting plenty.
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