Sometimes, when you stare at your own face in a mirror, it’s easy to forget that only you ever see it at that proximity with those critical eyes. Nobody else looks at you in the way that you do. So, when I was gazing into the mirror (never magnify – it’s the road to beauty hell) trying to see what differences rebooted Olay Regenerist was making, I realised that I was being ultra-critical.
I have had several compliments on my skin in the last week saying that my skin looked very fresh and radiant. I couldn’t see it myself. However, standing back from the mirror and seeing what they see and not jamming my face right up to the mirror, they’re right. There IS a difference in clarity and definitely a difference in tone, especially across my cheeks. I absolutely love the serum – to the point that I’ve cocked up a little bit and instead of using one pump which is all you need, I went overboard and used two. It sinks in so quickly that you don’t feel like you’ve used too much, but consequently, it’s not going to last nearly as long as the other two accompanying products. In this case, more isn’t more! So, I reigned that back and am now using just one pump. You will, in any case, run out of serum more quickly than the other products because you use it in the morning and at night. I’ve used the picture above to show how much I’ve used of each cream – into my third week, you can see that there is still plenty to go.
If I go with my gut feeling, it’s the serum that holds the power I think and I wouldn’t give it up lightly. I hate using the old skin care clichés of smoother and brighter, but I can’t deny that my skin is both. I’ve stuck with the programme and used only Olay Regenerist, so I can’t even say it’s been helped along by other products.
I would say at this stage, the beginning of week 3, it hasn’t started to address fine lines in a noticeable way and it’s only on the edges of the firming process. I do notice a marked difference to the degree that overall, my skin looks markedly better in terms of hydration, plumpness and smoothness. It’s most noticeable when I’ve got my make-up on (and stepped away from the mirror, probably!) because the canvas that I’m putting it on is clearly in better nick.
I’ve got to confess that I’m really enjoying scrutinizing the process, but I’m my own worst enemy if I’m going to go near the magnifying mirror of doom. Funnily enough, when friends said my skin looked good, my immediate reaction was that they must be mistaken! How is it we can’t hear the compliments and yet one little critical comment stays with us forever? If I get any more compliments, I’m going to make a conscious effort to be a believer! At a little over the half-way stage in the Olay Regenerist re-boot trial, so far, there’s nothing to complain about and everything to hope for. Olay talk a lot with this range about re-energising the skin and I feel as though that’s exactly what’s happening.
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